High quality breeding stock ewe lambs available. Born March, 2022, these lambs are growing fast and will be ready to wean by the end of June. One of them is a singlet, the rest are either one of a set of twins or triplets. They are all from strong, instinctual, stock who have required little to no care, aside from routine hoof trimming. These lambs have strong, black hooves (inherited from Sire), and come from mothers who shed easily, keep weight on well, grow thick coats, and are hearty in all weather. I have grown my flock from the Dam that most of these lambs stem down from. Sire is pictured. He is full blood Katahdin and in excellent condition. These breeding stock ewes had easy, unassisted births, were upright and nursing within minutes, and have had no health concerns. CD&T vaccination administered, hooves trimmed, and de-wormer given only as needed (they have not required any de-wormer). $250 per ewe each, or $450 for two.