Creature Care
Our animals are pasture raised, as the growing season allows. During the long winters, they are fed high quality grass hay. A few weeks prior to birthing, and during lactation, they are supplemented with alfalfa. We do our best to provide low or no spray feed and occasionally supplement with organic, fermented grain top dressed with herbal blends for a specified purpose. We aim to maintain a body score condition of 3 - 4 and separate into groups based on feed requirements.
Vaccine and Deworming Schedule
We support our animals through quality nutrition, herbs, free access to minerals, sea kelp, and high quality salt as a foundation for good health. Roughly 4 weeks prior to birthing, we give an annual CD&T vaccine to all adult critters, pregnant or not. Following a birth, we give the new mama warm molasses water, an herbal drench, and a drench of cayenne. Within 24 hours of being born, we weigh the babies and apply an herbal blend onto the umbilical cord. We never use iodine or any harsh chemicals on the livestock. New babies and their mamas are given selenium + Vitamin E paste within a day or two of being born. Male animals that are not designated for breeding stock are castrated at 2 weeks old. When the lambs or kids are 3-4 weeks old, we administer CD&T, and again at 8 weeks old as a booster. The adult stock receive an annual shot of Bo-Se timed with the 8 week booster. Selenium levels are severely depleted in our area, so we take this extra precaution to provide them with this essential element.
Using the FAMACHA eye scoring technique, we only use dewormers as needed. We rarely need to administer dewormer and are often able to support a harmonious balance using Fir Meadow's DWA herbal dewormer in tandem with other herbal blends.
Our critters are provided with year round shelters. They need shade in the warmer months and enjoy a dry, clean place to bed down in the cooler months. Air flow and freshness is prioritized, which means a lot of raking and piling of manure happens on our farm. We pile the used bedding for compost and spread it around the pasture on an annual basis as rich, dark soil. We use First Saturday Lime, baking soda, and essential oils to keep the shelters sanitized.
Ideally, the lambs and kids are pasture weaned by their mothers. In the event that we desire an earlier weaning, the earliest age we seperate them from their dam is at 3 months old. They are grouped together in a paddock that gives them access to the shelter where they have spent the most time and are provided with high quality feed and lots of love and attention, so as to minimize the stress they experience. Upon weaning we offer the dams a dry, low quality hay and check the milk bags for lumps and heat; treating accordingly and as needed. They have access to water and shelter during this time.
Pasture Management
We manage our pasture organically and are always striving for a regenerative approach. By cover cropping and rotationally grazing the animals, we aim to replenish the soil, minimize irrigation needs, manage weeds, avoid over-grazing, and allow areas to rest. Mobile, electric fencing keeps the animals protected and contained to specific areas, or paddocks. Our pasture is home to clover, yarrow, vetch, and other blooming crops that provide for plentiful pollinating.
Ram and Buck Care
The sires on our farm are on the same health regimen and vaccine/worm schedule as the dams. As is the case with all of our critters, their feet are trimmed quarterly or as needed. Our male breeding stock are never kept in isolation. They have each other as companions, excluding the 2-3 week time frame they are grouped for breeding. Although we love our boys very much and depend on their well-being, we do not spend time petting or socializing them. They are fed and basically left alone, so as not to create a situation where they become aggressive toward us.