DOB: 4/4/23
Breed: approx 25% Dorper, 75% Katahdin
Birth weight: 9.0 lbs
Type of Birth: Singlet
Current weight: approx 125 lbs (December 2023)
Bred to a registered Black Head Dorper ram and is due to lamb in April 2024. She is a singlet, born to a very unique ewe. She and her dam created a strong bond, characteristic of Katahdin ewes and their offspring, but especially apparent with this particular mama. They tend to take after their mamas, so one can expect her to have strong mothering instincts too. After birth, she was upright and nursing within minutes.
Her dam is an unknown mix of Katahdin and Dorper breeds and her sire is purebred Katahdin. Both Dam and Sire are pictured.
Her coat is white with freckles on her feet and she has black hooves. She has a very thick coat and should have an easy time shedding in the spring. She is a great size and conformation to consider breeding this fall.
Our lambs are raised on high quality feed and are efficient foragers and weight gainers. Our flock has a high resistance to parasites and have tested negative for Johne's disease, Lentivirus (CAE/OPP), and Mycoplasma Ovipneumoniae on an annual basis. Hooves are genetically sound and strong.
No pesticides are used on our pasture. We have not needed to administer any de-wormer, antibiotics, or insecticide. Selenium paste has been administered and they have free access to mineral salts and sea kelp. CD& T was given at weaning (June 10th), and boosted on July 14th.
$100 deposit required. After discussing what her new home, environment, and companionship arrangement will be, we can come to a decision as to whether she transitions away from our farm prior to or after lambing.